Week 2: profitable?! and an infrastructure week

Week 2: profitable?! and an infrastructure week

Aug 31, 2023

Brandon Giella & Parker Smith



## Importance of community in marketing.
The transcript of the podcast highlights the importance of community in marketing. The hosts discuss their current projects and the need to establish a strong foundation for their business. They emphasize the significance of customer experience and the customer journey, particularly in terms of communication and collaboration with clients.

One host mentions the challenges of typical agency work, where communication back and forth can slow down the process. They express excitement about creating a smooth and easy process for clients, from initial subscription to final delivery of work. This includes streamlining email threads, using project management tools effectively, and simplifying the overall workflow.

The hosts draw inspiration from Jason Fried, the owner of 37 signals, who advocates for a focused and opinionated approach to marketing. They express a desire to prioritize the most important aspects of their business and keep things simple. They mention Linear, an app that follows a linear workflow, as an example of this philosophy.

As the conversation progresses, the hosts discuss the need for pivoting and improving their marketing strategies. They mention the importance of fleshing out their website, implementing SEO, and exploring different online communities for marketing purposes. They highlight the value of communities such as Slack, Reddit, and Discord, as well as specific Twitter threads and lists.

The hosts question the effectiveness of general marketing and suggest that developing relationships within communities may be more beneficial. They draw a parallel to job boards, where applying to numerous positions often leads to minimal results. Instead, they propose focusing on building relationships within specific communities to establish a more targeted and impactful marketing approach.

In conclusion, the podcast transcript emphasizes the importance of community in marketing. The hosts recognize the need for a strong foundation and efficient communication with clients. They draw inspiration from industry leaders who prioritize simplicity and focus. They also highlight the value of online communities for marketing purposes and question the effectiveness of general marketing strategies. By developing relationships within targeted communities, businesses can create more meaningful connections and achieve greater success in their marketing efforts.

## Marketing conversations on Slack.
One of the main points discussed in the podcast is the idea that marketing conversations on Slack can be a powerful tool for businesses. The hosts mention that they have been using Slack as a means of marketing and have found it to be effective. They believe that having conversations on Slack allows for more personal and direct communication with potential clients.

The hosts also discuss the importance of community in marketing. They mention that they have been announcing their product in software communities, such as Slack channels and email lists. By targeting these specific communities, they are able to reach a more relevant audience and generate more interest in their product.

Additionally, the hosts touch on the idea of using social media platforms like TikTok for marketing purposes. While they acknowledge that TikTok is popular among younger demographics, they question whether it is the right platform for their business, as they do not have a product that is targeted towards consumers. They believe that LinkedIn is currently the best platform for their marketing efforts.

Another interesting point made in the podcast is the idea that the structure of their website lends itself to advertising. They mention that their business is a subscription-based service with a clear and simple message. This makes it easier for them to advertise on platforms like LinkedIn or in newsletters. They believe that their business is well-suited for running their own digital ads.

The hosts also discuss the challenges of communication in a business setting. They mention that it can be difficult to know which platform to use for different conversations, such as texting, emailing, or using project management tools like Asana. They express their hope that their app will resolve these communication issues and make it easier for their clients to communicate with them.

Overall, the podcast transcript highlights the importance of community in marketing and the value of having conversations on platforms like Slack. It also touches on the challenges of communication in a business setting and the potential benefits of running digital ads. By focusing on targeted communities and efficient communication, businesses can create more meaningful connections with their clients and achieve greater success in their marketing efforts.

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