May 18, 2024

008: Snapmarket homepage v2, commitments, lead gen

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Next Snapmarket's journey, the founders reflect on recent updates to their website and app, discuss the importance of aligning client brands with their core values, and explore new strategies for messaging and marketing. They emphasize the need for speed and relevance in marketing, the integration of personal convictions into branding, and the ongoing refinement of their business practices to better serve their clients.

Snapmarket's Ninth Week: Aligning Values, Enhancing Speed, and Refining Our Message

As Snapmarket progresses into its ninth week, we’ve been focusing on aligning our services with our values, enhancing the speed and relevance of our offerings, and refining our messaging to better resonate with clients. Here’s a closer look at our recent activities and insights.

Recent Updates and Client Feedback

We’ve made significant updates to our website and app, expanding our capabilities and enhancing user experience. One of the highlights was adding a testimonial from Devon Smith at Experience Leader. His feedback was not only encouraging but also provided valuable insights into how we can better align our services with our clients’ core values.

Devon’s rebranding project underscored the importance of integrating personal and theological convictions into brand messaging. This approach not only energizes clients but also creates a more authentic and compelling brand narrative. We are excited to work with clients who share this vision and look forward to helping them bring their unique stories to life.

Exploring Redemptive Entrepreneurship

In our ongoing quest to build a business rooted in ethical principles, we’ve been inspired by the concept of redemptive entrepreneurship. This idea, championed by Praxis, emphasizes advancing narratives of virtue and hope in business. It challenges the traditional marketing tactics that play on fear, uncertainty, and doubt, advocating instead for truthful storytelling and the promotion of real good.

We’ve committed to several key principles in our business practices:

  1. Generosity: Committing to give away 10% of our gross revenue to charity.
  2. Simplicity: Practicing asynchronous communication to allow for focus and rest, while still being effective.
  3. Redemptive Business Practices: Aligning our operations with a rule of life that prioritizes truth, imagination, and the promotion of good.

These principles are not just aspirational; they are guiding our day-to-day decisions and shaping the way we interact with clients and partners.

The Importance of Speed and Relevance

One of the recurring themes in our discussions with clients is the importance of speed and relevance in marketing. While we emphasize our ability to deliver quickly, we recognize the need to articulate the value of this speed more clearly. Speed allows businesses to stay relevant, engage in timely conversations, and respond swiftly to market trends. It ensures that marketing efforts are aligned with current events and consumer interests, enhancing their impact and effectiveness.

For example, a marketing asset created in response to a trending topic is more likely to engage and resonate with audiences than one that takes weeks or months to produce. By delivering high-quality assets quickly, we help our clients maintain their competitive edge and stay top-of-mind with their customers.

Refined Messaging and Marketing Strategies

As we refine our messaging, we are focusing on making our value proposition more explicit. We are exploring new strategies for LinkedIn campaigns and landing pages to better communicate the benefits of our services. Our goal is to highlight how our speed and efficiency translate into tangible benefits for our clients, such as enhanced customer satisfaction and improved market relevance.

We are also considering different approaches for various client segments. For instance, solopreneurs may need more guidance and strategy, while agencies might prioritize high-volume production support. Tailoring our messaging to address these specific needs will help us connect more effectively with our diverse client base.

Embracing a Holistic View of Work

Our commitment to redemptive entrepreneurship extends beyond our client work. We are continually exploring how our personal convictions and professional practices can coexist harmoniously. Books like "It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work" by Jason Fried have inspired us to rethink traditional business practices and embrace a more holistic view of work. This includes setting realistic expectations, prioritizing well-being, and fostering a culture of generosity and simplicity.


Snapmarket’s ninth week has been a time of growth and reflection. By aligning our services with our values, emphasizing the importance of speed and relevance, and refining our messaging, we are positioning ourselves to better serve our clients and contribute to their success.

We are excited about the future and remain committed to building a business that is not only effective but also ethically grounded. As we continue to evolve, we look forward to helping our clients tell their stories in ways that are true, inspiring, and impactful.

Brandon Giella
Brandon Giella
Parker Smith
Parker Smith
Voice to Market: this post was compiled by AI based on original, organic content by the authors, and edited by a human.
This post was written entirely by hand, without the assistance of AI.